We have no upcoming Friday Night Vigils. Kindly check again later. Thank you.

Luke 6:12

“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.”

It is reported that the two old women, Peggy and Christine Smith (one blind and one arthritic) who prayed for the Hebrides Revivals, often prayed throughout the night! They must have learned it from Jesus, who also often took time to spend all night in prayer with His Father.

There is power in spending the night in prayer, especially, if a few friends or people come together just to pray through the night. It takes grace and strength, but the results are phenomenal!

As we pray and seek God’s face, asking Him to visit the UK again and pour His Spirit afresh on us, we invite you to join us in several night vigils, which are scheduled to take place in November. Please see details below or on the flyer.

Dates: Friday 12th November 2021

Friday 19th November 2021

Friday 26th November 2021

Time: 10.00pm – 1.00am

Venue: ZOOM

For Zoom Login Details, send an email to

Please see attached flyer for more info. If you have any further queries, email us at